Optimus Flow - API for add-ons

Is there an API available to allow additional indicators, plug-ins, etc., to be developed? If so, it would be good to know:

  • how to access price data per price bar (and how the bars are indexed)
  • how to access volume data for each price per price bar (or how to access tick data to rebuild this)
  • how to draw objects (and manage them: modify and delete them) on charts

Hello @emojitrading,

Thanks for your question and welcome to the community forum!

To answer your question, once Optimus Flow has exited beta stage and is available to all users, the platform will provide the possibility to develop custom indicators and strategies. Once our help guide for the platform has been fully updated, we will provide you with exact instructions on how to access and implement code through our custom API.

As mentioned in a similar post regarding custom code integration:

Let us know if you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned above. Once our API is available, we will update this thread with exact instructions and a fully detailed help guide on how to proceed!

Thanks for your inquiry,
Optimus Futures Support :optimus_logo_no_backroug: