Your favorite Trading Quotes, Analogy, Inspirations and Stories

Success is 5% inspiration and 95% transpiration…

I know this as “Success is 5% inspiration and 95% perspiration”. It’s a good saying nonetheless.

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Haha, you are right. English is not my first language…

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“Consider the purchase of your first crypto your birth and the sale of your last crypto your death. Your role is to make your lifespan as long and pleasant as possible.” - John Brown (@john_j_brown)

I think this quote from legendary crypto trader John Brown is perfect and really changed the way I viewed trading in general. What hes saying showed me that my role is to make the lifespan as long and pleasurable means to me that prior to placing the trade, I have to have done the work beforehand to really ensure the success of that trade. The long as possible part is also letting my trades ride and not closing a position too soon and missing out on some valuable tick gains.

My favorite quote is “I have no idea where the market is going to go, and I know I don’t know.” This helps remind me to focus on the price action and leave my preconceived bias at the door. This is also a reminder to have a trading plan for each scenario that could occur. If this then that, if not then what?

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I love this one! I see so many traders getting stuck by not accepting that they cannot predict what’s going to happen and looking for the “holy grail”. Accepting that it’s impossible to always be right is a big step forward when it comes to mindset.

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