ATTENTION: Free MTF Indicator - Google Chrome Warning - LOOK HERE

Attention Traders,

For those of you that have received an email from us with the subject line: FREE Price Action, Trend Strength and Volatility Indicator | MT4 & MT5; and are attempting to download our Free MTF Indicator through Google Chrome, please see below:

Please be aware that you may encounter the message: Free MTF Indicator… zip is not commonly downloaded and may be dangerous when downloading our new MTF Indicator via Google Chrome as shown in the image below:


We can assure you that our indicator files are not malicious or dangerous in any way! This is a new file and is not commonly downloaded, thus being flagged by Google as a potentially dangerous file.

You can avoid this message by downloading our indicator through an other Internet Browser (such as Mozilla Firefox) or by left clicking the ^ and choosing the Keep option as shown in the image below:


Thanks for your prompt attention to these matters! If you have further questions regarding this indicator, please leave a comment on this thread or create a new post and we will gladly assist you!

Thanks for your time,
Optimus Futures Support :optimus_logo_no_backroug: