Data for regular trading hours (RTH) only

Does OptimusFlow have an option to only show data from regular trading hours only? So, not combined with data from when the market is closed.

Thanks in advance

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Hi @ehenderichs1,

Thank you for your question and welcome to the Optimus community forum.

We do have the ability to configure and customize session times on Optimus Flow to only display regular, real-time trading hours.

You can create “custom sessions” – you can create this custom session to only display RTH.

We then have an option within all charts for “Show out of session history” – if this is disabled with a custom session created around RTH, it will block out all data for the overnight session.

In our main menu, go to SEM (Session manager):


Then create a template and choose your hours. Once you have a template saved, right click your chart > Settings > View > Sessions Template > And then choose the template you created.

From there, you can uncheck the “Show out of session history” which will only display data for the hours you have specified and finally, click Apply changes.

Let us know if this is what you are looking for and I hope the screenshots help. If you have any other questions, please let us know.

Optimus Futures

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Thx! That worked and chart looks like I want now


Thanks for letting us know! We are glad to help.

Optimus Futures

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