Do any of your Futures Trading Platforms Offer One Click trading?


The Order confirmation window keep popping up every time I place order and it is unfavorably affecting my trades a lot especially when using market order. By the time I can even click accept on my order, the market ends up moving too much and I then need to reevaluate my order.

I have seen some platform have one click trade. How do I enable this?


Hello @HKTrader,

Thanks for your question and welcome back to the community forum!

To answer your question, I would say nearly half, if not more of the nearly 40+ trading platforms that we offer to our client support One-Click Trading. It is likely that even the platform that you are using now supports this feature!

To help answer your question and assist you with your current platform, would you mind letting us know which platform you are currently using? That would easily allow us to address your question!

Thanks for your time and please let us know!
Optimus Futures Support :optimus_logo_no_backroug:

Right now I use MultiCharts. I was thinking about trying MetaTrader 5 also since I already use CQG at AMP.

Can you use one click with either of those?


There are actually several locations throughout MultiCharts and MultiCharts.Net that support one-click trading, it ultimately comes down to your order entry preference!

Two locations that support one-click trading is trading directly from a chart using the Chart Trading Panel or by using a DOM:

After you first order placement, a place order confirmation window will appear.


Simply click on the Do not ask me again box to prevent this from occurring again. You will receive a warning message as shown below when you do so:


After you disable order confirmations, every order you place from there on out will activate instantly and become “one-click trading”.

You can revert these changes by navigating to File Preferences:

And then click on the Trading tab. As shown below, you will need to re-enable the options for Require Order Confirmation & Require Confirmation for Flatten Everything Command:

As we mentioned before, MT5 supports this type of functionality as well! Let us know if you need a tutorial on this or any of the other platforms we provide that support one click trading.

Thanks for your question,
Optimus Futures Support :optimus_logo_no_backroug:

I use MT5 and one click functionality works as well

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