Found a bug in CCI indicator calculation

I noticed that Oscillator CCI shows different incication if compare to other trading platform (NT7, NT8, Motivewave, Overcharts). All mentioned platforms have same indications but OptimusFlow shows different. Especially on extremums. this leads to errors in the trading system.

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Hello @Spark, we appreciate the feedback and welcome to the forum.
Maybe you can place a few screenshots of the CCI calculation as it appears on others, and then we can bring it to the attention of the developers. The value differences would help see where the errors may lay.

Matt Z
Optimus Futures

Hi Matt,
Thank you very much for the prompt response.
Here I am sensing 3 screenshots (1-OptimusFlow, 2-Motivewave, 3- NT8)

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You are very welcome, and we will send it to the developers.
If there are things you like and things where we have strength over others, feel free to open different threads to point them out. Also, thank you for helping us improve OptimusFlow.

Matt Z
Optimus Futures