Gain Trader (OEC Trader) - DOM Volume Histogram (Profile) Highest Volume New Price Alert

I wonder if it’s possible to set up an alert for current/newest highest volume histrogram
on the DOM. This would be a super useful feature so that a trader could be alert when a new
volume cluster for the day is printing at any specific price level.
For now, one is required to monitor it manually.
It would be a great feature.
Let me know.


  • P11

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One Solution:
For now I think I will be able to code an alert in Excel DDE sheet that connects real time
to Gain’s OEC Trader but I am still curious if there is a way to set Volume Histogram Alert on the OEC platform?

I can track real time volume changes per each price level and generate an alert this way.

  • P11

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Thank you for posting those detailed images as well as a potential solution to this question! I think coding an alert into Excel DDE for volume histograms is a great alternative, I’m glad you mentioned this!

As far as within the Gain Trader (OEC Trader) platform itself, I do not believe this can be accomplished. As far as I can tell the only alerts that can be configured having anything to do with a DOM is for price alerts. Although there are settings to configure the actual histogram, there does not appear to be any alert settings for it.

I hope that by coding something through Excel DDE on Gain Trader you’ll be able to accomplish receiving alerts for new volume clusters at specific price levels! Otherwise, you may need to settle for basic price alerts for now. I’ll reach out to Gain to see if there are any solutions to this problem.

Thanks for the detailed images and the great questions!
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Thanks @Mod-JakeM !
And it’s not really a problem but it would be a nice potential feature for traders relying on
Volume Histogram / Volume Profile based strategies.

Thanks for trying to solve this,


  • P11