How to connect MultiCharts to GainCapital feed?

Hi guys,
I am attempting to connect MultiCharts (PowerLanguage version) to my GainCapital feed.
I added the new broker (Gain) and added the username and password and trying to connect to no avail.
I read that a “third-party” software must be enabled for gain by the broker in order to be able to populate the live data and live accounts data.

Let me know if we could set it up.



Hi @Project11,

For any additional third party platform enablements through Gain Capital, you’re more than welcome to get in touch with us and give us a call to get these enabled for you.

For any traders who may be interested in using a third party platform with GAIN Capital who stumble upon this post down the line, the following third party platforms can be enabled with use of the GAIN data feed:

Thanks for your question,
Optimus Futures Support :optimus_logo_no_backroug:


Thanks @Mod-JakeM,
As always, your fast response is well received.
Looking forward to connect the feed.
Thanks for your effort.


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