How to subscribe to Rithmic?


I want to start daytrading and have to decide now about the right setup for my platform. I want to daytrade first only stocks and options and only later futures.

I came here to this forum, because there is a link to it on the Rithmic site (although that link is broken).

My broker is Interactive Brokers. I want to add a chart software, probably ATAS or bookmap (I do not like the design of SierryChart very much) and for these charts, I need realtime tick by tick level 2 data feed.

I need for charts for orderflow, footprint, open interest, volume, DOM etc. pp.

IB does not offer tick by tick for level 2. So I thought about Rithmic as a data feed, but IB does not support Rithmic.

Any recommendations on how to be able to subscribe to Rithmic?

Is Rithmic only for futures or also for stocks or options?

Hello @4711 and welcome to the forum.
We are an indpependent Futures broker, and we connect to Rithmic for trading.
If you wish to have their data, and not trade at this point, you will need to contact them directly.

If you consider trading Futures in the future, please consider Optimus Flow as your front end.

Thank you,
Matt Z
Optimus Futures