Is it possible to execute trades on a DEMO using the LIVE ACCOUNT credentials?

I was wondering if one can still execute and practice on Demo with live data feed by using the same login credentials as LIVE & FUNDED account?

  • P11
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The demo and live version are two completely different software packages. You may be able to login with the same credentials to access the two versions of the software, however, the trading account you will be using to place that trades will be entirely different.

Essentially you can have one overall Gain account with one set of credentials. This account will have a live trading account and a demo account connected under the one username, but you cannot use the live trading account to place simulated trades on the demo version of Gain (OEC) Trader and vice versa. Having a demo attached to your overall Gain login would allow you to access the demo version of Gain Trader to test the platform and place simulated orders.

We hope this clarifies things. Let us know if you have additional questions!

Optimus Futures Support


So if I am to understand correctly, one can have a demo account under the same login as the live account with OEC / Gain but one has to login under either Regular Live Trading or login to Demo version of OEC Trader with same credentials but on demo.
What about the data feed?
Can one use the same data feed for both Live and Demo or separate data feed must be purchased to use both Live and Demo?

  • P11


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Correct, the demo and live account can potentially be used the same login credentials if the user desires.

As for the data feed, the Gain / OEC data feed is directly tied to the login credentials used to access the platform. This is unlike many platforms that require two separate logins, one for the data and one for the platform. Everything takes place behind the scenes at Gain, users don’t have to much control over the data besides the market data they have subscribed to.

Because there are two separate instances for a demo and live account to log in, you won’t directly have control over which data you are selecting. As far as we know, the demo version of Gain Trader utilizes the same data feeds on both versions so this isn’t something to worry about.

There are options for traders with live accounts to purchase simulated trading accounts through the Gain portal, but as an Optimus customer, we can always provide you with a free trial period if you need it.

Thanks for your question and I hope this clears things up!

Optimus Futures Support


Thanks @Mod-JakeM,
Understood and again thanks for your inputs.

  • P11