Is there an option with MultiCharts to change the background color for daytime and overnight sessions?

Do you guys know if a simple featured of the MC that allows to do that or do I need to create a custom code to achieve this?
Thanks much,

  • P11
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Unfortunately this does not seem to be possible on MultiCharts nor do I think custom code would allow you to do this from what I have researched.

To change the background color of your chart:
1. Open the Format Window window.

2. Select the Background tab.
3. In the Background Color section select one of the colors in the palette the palette box, or click the Other button to create custom colors.

Although it doesn’t look like you can alter background colors based off of session time, I would suggest for you to take a look at the Session Breaks Feature. This can also be found within the Format Window

1. Open the Format Window window.
2. Select the Background tab.
3. In Show Session Breaks section, check the Show Session Breaks check box to display the lines on the chart.
4. Select line color in the Color drop-down palette box to customize the colors of the lines.
5. Select line style in the Style drop-down list box.
6. Select line weight in the Weight drop-down list box to customize the thickness of your lines.

I know this isn’t exactly what you were looking for, but hopefully this will help you distinguish between the day and night sessions a bit easier.

Thanks for your question,
Optimus Futures Support :optimus_logo_no_backroug:

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Thanks @Mod-JakeM,

I also found this code for MC powerlanguage.
I already adopted it and it works fine for me where I can instead of highlighting the
background I simply highlight the bars.

Code Credits: Written by YMTrader on April 10, 2008

I can choose between:

  • after hours
  • regular hours
  • lunch hours

All customizable so a trader can adjust to whatever time zone or hours/sessions they want to
quickly have their bars highlighted.

I found it very useful.


  • P11

Code for MC below:

inputs : SessionStart(0930), SessionEnd (1600), LunchStart (1130), LunchEnd (1400), AHColor(White), LunchColor(Cyan);

Written by YMTrader on April 10, 2008

This is an ELD for color coding bars that are AH or Lunch.
Configurable with inputs.

SessionStart(0930): What time the session Opens
SessionEnd (1600): What time the session Closes
LunchStart (1130): What time the Lunch starts
LunchEnd (1400): What time the Lunch ends
AHColor(White): Color of your AH bar
LunchColor(Cyan): Color of your Lunch bar


if Time < SessionStart or Time > SessionEnd then
PlotPaintBar( High, Low, “AH”, AHColor ) ;
Alert ;
end ;

if Time > LunchStart and Time < LunchEnd then
PlotPaintBar( High, Low, "AH", LunchColor  ) ;
Alert ;
end ;

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