On the mobile versions of CTS T4 can I set a prompt to confirm orders before submission?


New user of CTS T4 and had a couple of questions about the mobile version.

The main question I have for you is on the mobile, can I set a prompt to confirm orders before they are actually submitted?

If so that would be great but I have no clue how to set this up.

Any ideas? Is it possible?




Yes, this can be accomplished, however, it depends on which type of mobile phone you are using.

Are you using an Apple device or Android?

For the IOS version tap on your properties located in the upper right corner of any window from there tap T4 Settings, tap on Tap2Trade then tap on order confirmation and you can choose from prompt, order ticket or none. Feel free to take a look at the screenshot below on how to configure prompts to confirm orders before submission on IOS devces.

For the Android version tap on your properties located in the upper right corner of any window, from there tap T4 Settings, tap on tap2trade then tap on order confirmation and you can choose from Prompt, Order Ticket or none. Provided below is an image demonstrating how this can be configured on an Android device:

I hope this helps! I know you mentioned you had a couple of questions, feel free to create a new post anytime a question pops up!

Thanks for your question,
Optimus Futures Support
+1 800-771-6748


I should have mentioned I am using an Iphone X.

Thanks @Mod-JakeM that is exactly what I was looking for. The screenshot made that really easy actually.

I have some other questions about CTS T4 and T4 mobile so keep an eye out.
