Optimus Flow installation error

Hello. I have been trying to install the Optimus Flow for a couple of hours but I keep getting the same error saying ‘‘An error occured during the platform initialization: An exception occurred in the summons destination’’. I read all the information available about the installation but it did not help.
I downloaded the 64-bit version. Optimus 1

I really appreciate the help.

Hello @Eliu,

Thanks for your question and welcome to the community forum!

Unfortunately, Optimus Flow is only compatible with Windows 10 32 or 64bit operating systems. I have actually seen several users run it on Windows 7 or Windows 8, but unfortunately, it does not work for most users and we no longer support these operating systems.

Windows no longer supports any other version of Windows prior to Windows 10. If you were interested, I believe a free upgrade of Windows 10 is free for all Windows 7 users with a valid copy of Windows. Some of our users who had the same issue as you have upgraded to Windows 10 seemlessly. Heres an article on it: Still running Windows 7? Time is running out to upgrade to Windows 10. What to know - CNET

You can also try our other platform, Optimus Trader, which is web-based and runs on any operating system: https://trade.optimusfutures.com/

For any users that do need that 32-bit download you can find that here: Optimus Flow: 32-bit Download

Thanks for your time and I hope this helps!
Optimus Futures

Hello Jake. Thanks for the information. I really appreciate it. I followed your advice and I updated the laptop to Windows 10. I will try installing Optimus Flow in a coplue of hours.

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