Placing orders by phone call in case of emergeny


can you please provide instruction where to call and what is required to say to operator if we want to cancel, change or open our position in case of power outage or any similar problem? How is this charged?

Me and certainly other traders would like to be fully prepared for this unexpected events.

Thank you.

This is an Excellent question. First, you state your account number. Then the markets you wish to liquidate, the order type, the month as well as year. “Pleas sell 2 eMini S&P March 2014 at the Market” If you liquidate, it does NOT mean that your stops would be cancelled automatically "Please cancel selling 2 eMini S&P at (Specify your price). Always ask for a ticket # because that is you proof you have placed an order. Typically, we do not charge for phone execution during outage, but we will charge extra for phone execution if the trader repeatedly needs phone support for execution because his/her platform is not accessible to him.

PLEASE call us to get the night desk # for the appropriate FCM (ADM,GAIN,AMP,WedBush).

Please let me know if I could be of further help
