R-Trader Pro - Bracket Template (optional) in Excel Spreadsheet

Hi there ,
Since making the videos on R-Trader Pro a couple of years ago (which I thought were excellent by the way ) , rithmic have added some extra features in the excel spreadsheet in the “place orders” tab . One of them is
"Bracket Template - (Optional) " . How do I make use of this ? , what input do I put in this field to enable bracket orders on an automated strategy . Do I setup a bracket order in the orderbook and give it a name , and then put that name in the "Bracket Template - (Optional) - field ? thx. Tim

Yes. Setup a bracket template through the order book window in R | Trader Pro, name it and save it. Then use that name in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
Let us know if this helps and/or if you need additional data.

Thanks Matt for your speedy assistance - as always…