Rithmic API Symbols


Does anyone know where I can get information on how the symbology works with Rithmic (and a guide of all the symbols)?
Trying to map eSignal to Rithmic via API.


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Rithmic uses the standard exchange-traded symbols, for Example for the Emini S&P. ESU8.CME for this active month.

Please list the symbols you trade, and we will do our best to help you out.

Thank you,
Optimus Futures Support

I trade:
Corn, Cotton, Eurodollar, Feeder Cattle, Fed Fund, Copper, Heating Oil, Coffee C, Lumber, Live Cattle, Lean Hogs, Oat, FCOJ A, Sugar #11, Wheat and some others.

What I am looking for is the rules for spreads and butterflies.

This is how it placed in Rithmic
SymbolMonthYear.EXchange For example, Sep Corn 2018 would be ZCU8.CBOT

We found an older post that could help you with symbols: Find Futures symbols for Rithmic - #2 by FX.FT_Trader

Thank you,
Optimus Futures Support