Rithmic suspended data feed

i recived this email.but i have a lot of charts… that s my trading style. what i have to do to have acces to more historical market data?

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Hello @Adrian_Brotoiu,

Thank you for your question and welcome to our community forum.

I have deleted your first screenshot because it contains sensitive and personal information.

Email’s from Rithmic’s History Plant Guardian are typically the result of an account requesting too much historical market data within a week’s span. To my knowledge, Rithmic allows up to 10 GB of weekly historical data download on demo accounts and double that, 20 GB on live accounts.

If you have reached up to 20 GB of historical data download within one week, Rithmic will disable historical data on your account until the following Sunday when their systems reboot.

To avoid this from happening again, I would suggest to limit how many charts are open. If you are not actively using a chart, I would suggest to close it down. Same thing with historical data - if you do not need 3 years of historical data on a given chart, for example, try limiting the amount of historical data on your chart to a realistic number that you can observe.

Things like volume indicators, tick data, historical charts, etc can contribute to this weekly download limit.

I hope this helps.
Optimus Futures

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