Volume Profile not showing whole day

I am using Rithmic through AMP and Jigsaw and am having an issue whereby when I load up my price ladders the days volume profile starts from when I load rather than showing the whole day.

Just wondering if there is anything on the Rithmic end that needs adjusting?

Many Thanks

Apparently (Jigsaw are saying) I need historical data enabling on Rithmic end. Any idea how I action that? Thanks.

Hi @shingles,

Thanks for your question and welcome to the community forum!

Is the Rithmic account you are using still associated with a demo? Or is this with a live account?

There is a known “issue”, especially with Rithmic demos that each individual username is capped to about 10g of downloadable and historical data. For most platforms, this isn’t an issue, but when it comes to programs like Jigsaw Daytradr or Optimus Flow, that rely on historical data for many aspects of the platform, this becomes an issue and acts as you have described.

If this occurred for you, you would have likely received an email from the Rithmic Plant Guardian notifying you that you have exceeded your threshold and are now limited from downloading historical data.

Does this sound familiar to you? As far as I know, there is nothing on the backend that brokers need to configure for you to receive historical data from Rithmic. This is a default feature of the data feed itself.

Feel free to describe the situation a bit more!
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