Week 3 E-Mini S&P Options

Effective Sunday, February 21, (trade date Monday, February 22) Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Inc. will delist serial month options on the E-Mini S&P 500 and will replace them with a Week 3 option. Currently, weekly options on the E-Mini S&P are offered for Weeks 1, 2, & 4, with monthly options expire the 3rd Friday of the month. With this change, there will now be weekly options for Weeks 1, 2, 3, & 4 and serial monthly options will no longer be offered. Quarterly options will still be offered and will not be affected.

The symbol for the Week 3 E-Mini S&P on the platform will be OEW3

The full advisory from the CME can found here: http://www.cmegroup.com/tools-information/lookups/advisories/clearing/files/Chadv16-025A.pdf

The Platforms that Trade Options on Futures could be found here: Futures Trading Platforms & Software | Optimus Futures

If you need assistance getting set up, please contacts us. 800 771 6748 local 561 367 8686 general@optimusfutures.com

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Ptimus Futures, LLC