What is the difference between a futures broker IB and a FCM ?

Hi Optimus Futures,
Considering your brokerage, but have to understand how you guys operate.
At the moment, I have everything together, like feed, software, etc.
Your sales rep explained it really well, but I am still confused as to the data feed.
I would appreciate it if you could go over the details again and the data feed integration.

Thank you,

Hello Will, Thank you for your question. We are asked this question quite frequently.
We are a licensed introducing broker, and we are independent. This means that we can clear our business through any licensed FCM. This gives the customers the flexibility to choose what is the best for them in terms of margins, commissions, and software.

You can look at our FCM here: https://optimusfutures.com/Select-Futures-Clearing-Merchant.php
Once you choose the FCM of your choice, then you can choose the data feed of your choice.
Each FCM has its own rules as far as margins and commissions, however, the connectivity works the same for the most part.

As an Independent Introducing Broker we have the ability to advice you objectively as to what are the best terms for your specific situation. Please let us know if this addresses your concerns and questions.

Thank you,
Optimus Futures, LLC

I did a bit of research and decided to go with Tradestation as my platform for execution and MultiCharts for analysis because of portfolio capabilities. But to the best of my understanding it has its own data feed and execution. On the other hand MultiCharts has multiple executions via feed? I think past that I will be ok.

TradeStation has its own data feed and execution, and you can not connect external data for execution.
On the other hand MultiCharts has the ability to execute via TT, CQG and Rithmic.

If you wish to have both, then you would need to open two separate accounts.

Thank you,
Optimus Futures