Why is progress from one computer not carrying over to another?

Hi new user here,

I’ve been using Optimus Trader for a bit now and noticed that if I make some changes to my primary PC and then open up the platform on a new computer or a mobile device, it doesn’t seem to carry over any of the changes made on my primary computer.

Is there any type of setting to make this happen? If I make changes on my PC I would like those same changes to reflect on my other devices.



By default, Optimus Trader will not carry over any progress made on other devices. This needs to be enabled on the login screen.

When you are in the login/Sign in window you should see the Data Sync checkbox. This needs to be Enabled or have a check in the box to carry over the progress made from one computer to another, otherwise, changes will only stay on that local device!

Feel free to take look at the screenshot below to see the checkbox I was referring to above:

Let me know if you run into any further issues after enabling the Data Sync check box. Please remember this needs to be enabled on any device Before you login if you wish to extend any changes made from one device to another.

Thanks for your question,
Optimus Futures Support :optimus_logo_no_backroug: