High/low price indicators on DOM

How do I put high and low session price indicators on the DOM? I’ve seen those on some online examples of Sierra Chart, but I can’t find a setting that will enable this.



First you will need to open up a Trading DOM for the contract you intended to trade.

1. Once a DOM is open, left click the Chart tab at the top of the DOM. Once opened, navigate to Graphics Settings.

2. For this to work, you will first likely need to Uncheck or Disable the Use Global Graphics Settings Instead Of These Settings checkbox.

3. As you can see, there are a ton of different graphical settings that can be customized. The two I have highlighted specifically are Daily High and Low Lines which I believe is what you are looking for.

4. One one of the settings in step 3 has been selected, you can now customize the color, width, and line style of the indicator. I have made the width of my line 100, this is a bit exaggerated as you will see in step 6, but I wanted to demonstrate what is being customized here.

Make sure Enable is checked here as well.

5. Once all settings having been entered, left click apply.



As you can see with a width of 100, the area of our Daily Low Line is quite large. I would suggest to try out a couple of different width sizes and line styles to see what you like best.

Thanks for your question,
Optimus Futures Support
(800) 771-6748


Thanks Jake,
That worked perfectly. A note: I realized after your reply that the charts and DOM I had attached to my chartbook did not show the header [Chart, Trade, Window], so I had to unattach the DOM to access these.


Thanks for mentioning that you must unattach the DOM to access those three tabs. That is absolutely crucial to add and customize indicators on the trading DOM for Sierra Chart.

Thanks for your input,
Optimus Futures Support