How to manage Confirmation Window Popups?

Where can I manage and customize the Order confirmation popups?
Thanks very much,

  • P11
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Do you typically trade through chart trade mode or through the DOM?

1. If you trade through the DOM, with a chart open, you may navigate to Trade > Open Trade Window for Chart.

2. Left click the M button.

3. Scroll down to Confirmations, however, your mouse of the options, and the side menu will open. This will then allow you to either enable/disable individual order confirmations based on specific order conditions (canceling, new orders, flatten, modifications) as shown in the image below:

Let me know if you found this helpful or have any additional questions on this topic!

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(800) 771-6748



I usually trade through the DOM with a chart next to it.
I think you nailed it. Let me try it.

  • P11